利用2006—2008年上海市的徐汇、浦东、宝山、金山、崇明5个监测站的臭氧观测资料,分析了上海地区的臭氧污染现状。从空间分布上来看,基本呈现中心城区低、郊区高的特征,宝山钢铁工业区较低而金山化工区较高;从时间分布上来看,3—11月均会出现臭氧浓度超标,7月臭氧超标天数最多,5月和8月的超标天数也较多。一天内小时平均浓度超标(〉100 ppbv;国家环境空气质量标准)最多的时段为13—15时,而8小时平均浓度超标(〉75 ppbv;美国EPA标准)最多的时段是9—10时;根据WHO、欧盟、美国和我国环境空气质量标准(简称我国标准)及上海市气象局气象灾害臭氧预警信号(简称上海市标准)所统计的上海地区各监测站点超标天数可知,WHO标准统计的超标天数最多,其次为欧盟,按我国标准和上海市标准所统计出的臭氧超标天数最少。8小时滑动平均统计的臭氧超标天数比按小时平均浓度统计的超标天数要多一倍左右。从保护人体健康的角度来看,用臭氧8小时平均来评价臭氧污染程度更为科学,采用小时平均浓度设定臭氧评价阈值进行污染预警和管理更具可操作性。
Since 2005,Shanghai Meteorological Bureau(SMB) has established a surface ozone monitoring network.In this paper,the ozone concentrations measured at five stations(Xujiahui,Pudong,Baoshan,Jinshan,and Chunmin) between 2006 and 2008 are analyzed and discussed.The result shows that the ozone concentrations are higher in the urban area than in the rural area.In heavy industrial regions,the highest ozone concentrations occur in the petrochemical industrial region(Jinshan station),which are higher than the steel industrial region(Baoshan).Ozone concentrations exceeding the national air quality standard appear from March to November,with the highest number of days in July,followed by August and May.In diurnal ranges,13—15 p.m.is the time for exceeding the national air quality standard(100 ppbv) with the maximum occurrences for the hourly averaged ozone;the time for exceeding the standard(75 ppbv;the US EPA standard) with the maximum occurrences is around 9—10 a.m.for the 8-hourly averaged ozone.Because the ozone standards are established by different agencies(WHO,European Union,the US EPA,and national air quality standard),the numbers of day for exceeding the standards vary with the different standards.For example,the numbers of day are the highest using the WHO standard,followed by the European Union standard,the US EPA standard,and the national air quality standard.In addition,using the 8-hour smoothing method(75 ppbv;the US EPA standard) also increases the numbers of day for exceeding the standard(100 ppbv,the national air quality standard) by about 100%.During the ozone warning practices,it is easier to use the hourly averaged ozone concentrations.However,by considering the exposure effect,the 8-hourly averaged concentrations have more scientific bases for the warning standard with consideration of human’s health.