以第3次和第5次人口普查数据为基础数据,采用因子分析和聚类分析的方法,研究了1982~2000年近20 a间合肥城市社会空间结构演变特征。结果表明,近20 a合肥城市社会空间结构的影响因子、社会区类型、模式及其形成机制均发生了显著变化。1982年合肥城市社会空间结构简单,主要分布在一环以内,其中环城路(城墙遗址)内老城区的社会区高度同质,环城路与一环路之间的社会区呈扇形分布,形成以老城区为核心的"单核+扇形"模式;2000年城市社会区分异趋于复杂,社会空间重构显著。老城区的社会区分异显著,多个新的"飞地型"社会区出现,形成以老城区为中心的"圈层+扇形+飞地型"模式。最后从合肥省会效应、城市规划与旧城改造、工业化与市场驱动力、户籍制度改革等方面探讨了形成机制。
The urban socio-spatial structure study was originated in the Chicago School in the 1920 s,which has been an important research topic since the rise of school of Human Ecology. Western developed countries have formed a relatively complete theoretical system based on a large number of empirical cases of urban socio-spatial structure,which promote the development of the western geography,urban sociology and urban planning studies. But the theoretical system are mostly based on the premise of the capitalist system,it can not be copied in China.In China,cities are undergoing a socio-spatial reconstruction process with the Reform and Opening-up policy implemented,which has been an important issue. The study of evolution of the urban socio-spatial reconstruction process has become an urgent task to provide a scientific basis for decision-making of urban planning and government departments. In comparison with western countries,the study on urban social geography in China is still far behind. Theoretical framework of urban social geography has been in the initial research stage because the small number of empirical case studies in China. In this article, the research results on urban social areas are rather limited in China during the transitional period:1982-2000.Based on data of the third census of Hefei in1982, the fifth census of Hefei City in 2000, methods of Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis are used to analyze the social spatial structure of Hefei City.In 1982,the main components of social space in Hefei include:population of workers,political and economic status, population of intellectuals, agricultural population, population of transportations and telecommunications. In 2000,the main factors are revealed:the education and career, immigrant population, urban unemployment population, agricultural population, logistical population. The social areas in Hefei can be divided into several types respectively by cluster analysis in 1982 and 2000.The types of social areas located within the inner-ring road in 19