Epidemiological studies reveal that individuals who are engaged in regular aerobic exer- cise are less prone to drug abuse. Results from animal and human studies indicate that exercise may serve as a potential intervention for drug dependence, producing beneficial and lasting protective effects on different phases of the addiction process. The beneficial effects are connected with neurat adaptation which is related to drug dependence. Exercise can regulate various neurotransmitter systems and intra- cellular signal transmission, increasing levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factors, promoting hippocam- pal neurogenesis and regulating epigenetic molecular mechanisms in resistance to and/or recovery from drug addiction. Therefore, exercise plays an important role in reducing drug carving and preventing re- lapse. Moreover, exercise generally produces different neurobiological mechanisms, depending on the level/type/timing of exercise exposure, the stage of addiction, the drug involved, and the subject popu- lation. This paper, from the perspective of neurobiological mechanisms, reviews exercise-based inter- ventions alone or as an adjunct to other strategies for treating drug addiction.