This paper considers uplink amplify-and-forward or- thogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) relay net- works under heterogeneous traffics scenario where users have dif- ferent QoS requirements. Under the users and relay independent transmit power constraints, a subcarrier pairing assignment and power allocation algorithm is proposed to maximize the sum rate of elastic users, while satisfying the transmit rate requirements of non-elastic users. In order to reduce the computational complexi- ty, the original mixed binary integer programming problem is de- composed into three subproblems, i. e. , subearrier pairing as- signment, joint power allocation at the non-elastic users and the relay, and joint power allocation at the elastic users and the re- lay. As a result, the computational complexity is reduced fromthe exponential level to linear polynomial level. Simulation re- sults show that the proposed resource allocation algorithm can satisfy the rate requirements of the non-elastic users, and the a- chieved sum rate for elastic users is significantly higher than that of the algorithms which are designed with the equal power alloca- tion criterion or without considering subcarrier pairing process.