Peperites are mingling products of hot magma materials (magma shallow intrusions, lava flow, and pyroclastic flow) and unconsolidated sediments; therefore, they are characterized hy the two lithologieal components: juvenile clast (cooled and fragmented magma) and host sediment. Peperites have unique peperitic textures, the forms of which are related to different forming mechanisms of peperites. Peperites can be subdivided into two classification end-numbers: blocky peperites in which juvenile clasts have polyhedron shapes and fluidal peperites in which juvenile clasts have curved and irregular shapes. Blocky peperites are generated by quenching, autobrecciation, hydromagmatic explosion and magmatic explosivity, whereas fluidal peperites are generated within a vapor film covering the surface of magma that insulated magma from cold water hence avoiding quenching. Sediment fluidization is necessary for the mingling process because it provides room for magma bulldozing; magma can't mingle with consolidated sediment rock. Peperites have great geological significances.- (1) they can be indicator of contemporaneity between volcanism and sedimentation, and (2) host sediments in peperites can be used to constrain sedimentary environment during volcanism. We found several classic observations of peperite in China and used them into researches of key tectonic events of China. We found peperites in the west Junggar, the geological settings of which belong to Central Asian Orogenic Belt. These peperites act as a "marker bed" for constraining continuity of the upper Paleozoic in both sides of the Darbut-Baijiantan ophiolite belt; therefore, we suggest that the Darbut-Baijiantan ophiolite belt is not as former regarded as a suture zone but generated in a shoaling marine basin system. We also found peperites in the only two Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) in China. In central zone of Emeishan LIP, we identified two kinds of peperites which were hosted by limestone and palagonitized lapilli tuff in th