目标场方法由Turner于1986年提出,到目前为止该方法已成为核磁共振成像系统中匀场、梯度线圈设计的一种主流方法。各种改进的目标场方法纷纷涌现。为解决线圈设计中的有限尺寸问题,Forbes和Crozier提出了一种新方法,该方法预先通过三角函数来约束线圈面上的电流密度分布,为克服方程求解过程中的病态问题,对电流密度表达式中的待定系数采用最小均方差(least square,LS)和L2范数相结合的方法来进行估计,成功得到了有限长匀场线圈的设计结果。该文采用最小均方差和 L1范数结合的方法来对面电流密度分解表达式中的未知系数进行估计,并将该方法应用于核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)系统的匀场线圈设计中。系统主磁体长度为3 m,室温孔直径为1.6 m,目标区域(region of interest,ROI)直径为0.4 m。算例采用Matlab仿真平台,结果表明该文提出的LS-L1目标场方法相比于传统的LS-L2目标场方法磁场偏差更小、效果更好。
The target field (TF) method proposed by Turner in 1986 has become the mainstream method for both shim coil and gradient coil in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A series of methods based on the original one have been proposed. In order to solve the problem of finite size during coil design, Forbes and Crozier proposed a novel approach which employs the trigonometric functions to expand surface current density. To overcome the ill-posed problem in the equation solving process, the undetermined coefficients are estimated by the combination of the standard least square (LS) with L2 norm regularization (LS-L2), and good design results are got. This paper proposed to estimate the coefficients of the current density using LS with L1 norm regularization (LS-L1). This new method was employed to design a set of shim coils for an MRI system. The length of the main magnet used in this system was 3 m;the diameter of room temperature and region of interest (ROI) was 1.6 m, 0.4 m, respectively. Simulation results via Matlab demonstrate that the proposed LS-L1 method performed better than the traditional LS-L2 TF method.