以‘鄂水芹1号’为试材,泥炭、蛭石、菇渣和土为基质材料,进行了8种不同配方基质栽培水芹的试验研究。结果表明,不同基质配方对水芹株高、叶柄长、叶柄粗、末回裂片长度、末回裂片宽度等指标没有明显的影响,但对单株净重和产量影响较大。其中50%蛭石+50%菇渣配方下单株净重值最大,为26.8 g;而50%泥炭+50%菇渣配方下栽培的水芹产量最高,每公顷达97600 kg,可推荐为水芹大棚基质栽培的理想配方。从营养成分测试结果来看,露地大田种植的水芹营养成分含量较高,大棚基质栽培的水芹营养价值稍逊,但更加水嫩。
To find out suitable substrate materials in water dropwort substrate cultivation, eight dlllerentsubstrate formulations composition of four substrate materials: peat, vermiculite, mushroom residue, soil weretested and the eultivar 'Eshuiqin 1' was used as experimental material. The results showed that no significantdifference were found on plant height, petiole length, diameter, leaf terminal segment length, width and othermorphological indexes, however significant difference were found on weight per plant and yield. Among eightsubstrate formulations, the 50% vermiculite+ 50% mushroom residue formulation got the highest weight perplant, up to 26.8 g. However, the 50% peat + 50% mushroom residue formulation showed the highest yield,giving a 97600 kg/hm2 production. As a result, this formulation could be recommended in water dropwortgreenhouse substrate cultivation. We also checked the nutritional components of water dropwort growing indifferent environments, in the greenhouse and field. Results showed that water dropwort substrate cultivation inthe greenhouse was low in nutritional value however tender compared to field cultivation.