本文在油酸钠、十二烷基磺酸钠、DES对朝阳某磷矿捕收性能试验的基础上组合出一种新型药剂DM F-1,并以此为捕收剂进行了浮选工艺技术条件试验及开路试验。在磨矿细度-0.074mm 46%,矿浆pH值7.00,DMF-1用量200g/t ,温度30℃,水玻璃用量400g/t ,采用一次粗选、三次精选、一次扫选的试验流程,获得磷精矿品位36.46%、回收率53.33%,尾矿品位0.21%的指标,表明捕收剂DM F-1具有药剂制度简单、用量少、无需矿浆加热、捕收效果好的特点。对试验结果分析,研究了DM F-1中三种成分之间的协同效应和作用机理,其中十二烷基磺酸钠主要是起泡作用;油酸钠则以化学吸附在矿物表面起到疏水及捕收作用;DES以化学吸附和氢键吸附协同作用的方式,增强药剂DM F-1的捕收性能。
The combination of a new type collector DMF-1 has been realized based on the collecting performances of sodium oleate ,sodium lauryl sulfate ,and DES type collectors .The experimental results shown that DMF-1 was an effective collector for Chaoyang phosphate ore .At the optimum conditions of grinding fineness -0.074mm46% ,pulp pH 7.00 ,slurry temperature 30.0℃ ,DM F-1 200g/t and sodium silicate 400g/t , through the open-circuit of one roughing- three cleaning- one scavenging obtained the concentration grade of 36.46% ,recovery of 53.33% respectively ,while the grade of tilling was 0.21% . Combining the results of the actual ores flotation , the mechanism and synergistic effect between the minerals and the collector DMF-1 have been analyzed .The research shows that sodium lauryl sulfate acts as the frother ,sodium oleate has hydrophobic and collecting performances due to chemical adsorption on the surface of apatite ,and DES improves the property of DM F-1 by the means of chemical and hydrogen bond adsorption .