Research Objectives: To study whether the total factor productivity estimated by the classical method is biased due to the mark-up and the degree of return-to-scale. Research Methods: The total factor productivity is estimated based on the growth accounting frame- work, which is based on the assumption of relaxed competition and invariant scale, and the classical Solow residual is decomposed on the basis of the mark-up rate and the degree of re- turn-to-scale respectively. Research Findings: The mark-up effect is the main reason for the deviation of the classical Solo residual and the total factor productivity. The resilient labor market can reduce the impact of TFP on economic shocks. Research Innovations: Based on the expanded growth accounting framework, the total factor productivity of China, Korea, Japan and the United States is estimated, and we analyze whether the classical Solow residu- als exist the estimated deviations and the main sources of bias. Research Value: The separa- tion of the mark-up and the degree of return-to-scale effect from new classical Solo residual can effectively reduce the estimated deviation of total factor productivity.