Taking NLSD-1 borehole ( 100 - 1 000 m) of Nanling Scientific Drilling as the object, magnetization char- acteristics of different lithologies are researched by utilizing magnetic susceptibility of well logging, borehole magnetic tri- component data and record data of lithology. Meantime, anomalies of borehole magnetic tri-component are analyzed and in- terpreted. Magnetic susceptibilities of different lithologies diversified from high to low are: metamorphic fine-cutting sedi- mentary tuff,metamorphic dusty-cutting sedimentary tuff,multi-mineralized metamorphic fine-cutting sedimentary tuff, silici- fied metamorphic fine-cutting sedimentary tuff, silieified metamorphic dusty-cutting sedimentary tuff, multi-mineralized meta- morphic dusty-cutting sedimentary tuff, tuffaceous slate and muhi-mineralized tuffaceous slate; Anomalies of borehole magnetic tri-eomponent are principally caused by magnetic body beside borehole and metamorphic sedimentary tuff.