首次实现了黏菌淡黄绒泡菌Physarum melleum原质团的燕麦琼脂培养,并通过ITS引物完成了淡黄绒泡菌rDNA的PCR扩增及序列分析。描述了其原质团的培养方法,提供了原质团rDNA的提取方法及ITS引物的扩增条件。利用邻近结合法构建系统发育树,对淡黄绒泡菌与相关分类单元的分子系统学关系进行了初步探讨。
Plasmodium of Physarum melleum in myxomycetes was cultured in oat-agar medium,and rDNA-ITS from the plasmodia was amplified and sequenced.The culture condition of the plasmodia was described.DNA preparation method and PCR amplification conditions from the plasmodia were provided.The molecular phylogenetic relationships among P.melleum and related species were analyzed based on rDNA-ITS sequences using Neighbor-joining method.