目的 研究不同等级老鸦瓣光合特性及生长繁殖特点,为其繁殖方案制定及高产栽培提供依据。方法 根据种球质量设4个级别处理,即1级(质量〉2.0 g)、2级(质量为1.0-2.0 g)、3级(质量为0.5-1.0 g)和4级(质量〈0.5 g),于生长旺期测量各处理老鸦瓣生长指标,统计各处理开花和结实率,同时采用LI-6400XT型便携式光合仪测量叶片光合基本参数,并于收获期统计各处理的产量、繁殖系数及质量增幅。结果 随着种球质量增加,老鸦瓣各项生长指标均呈现上升趋势。3级和4级种球比1级和2级种球具有较高光合效率,增产效果明显,质量增幅分别达286.37%、1 18.56%。种球大于1.0 g时具有较高的开花率和结果率。结论 3级和4级种球增产效果明显,作繁殖种球最佳,供生产商品鳞茎;1级和2级种球可用于种子生产。
Objective To explore the growth and reproductive characteristics of different grades of Tulipa edulis bulb. Methods T. edulis bulbs were divided into four grades based on weight, e.g. the 1st grade, m 〉 2.0 g; the 2nd grade, m 1.0-2.0 g; the 3rd grade, m 0.5-1.0 g, and the 4th grade, m 〈 0.5 g. The growth indexes, flowering and fruiting percentage, and photosynthetic characteristics were measured at vigorous growth period. And the yield, reproduction coefficient, and net yield-increasing percentage were calculated at harvest period. Results The growth indexes increased with the increasing weight of bulbs. In comparison with the 3rd and 4th grades bulbs, the 1st and 2nd grades bulbs showed higher photosynthetic efficiency, and net yield-increasing percentage. The bulbs, weight of which were higher than 1 g, showed high flowering and fruiting percentage. Conclusion The 1st and 2nd grades bulbs are suitable to be reproductive materials for bulbs, while the 3rd and 4th grades bulbs are more applicable as materials for producing seeds.