针对自然保护区的生态监测问题,以弥补无人机监控空白与提高监测数据多样性为目标,设计了自动巡航机器人。机器人采用百度地图规划作业路径,巡航依赖惯性导航,并且支持地图定位;设计侵入式雷达传感系统,通过Zig Bee节点传输信息,以机器人为中继节点,传回移动监控端后,汇至云平台供用户查看;通过智能手套控制机械臂,实现对传感器节点的回收和放置;通过虚拟控制手柄远程控制摄像头,并将视频信息至移动终端。测试结果表明,系统各项测试可靠率均在90%以上,该系统可实现高效的环境检测和科学的环境管理。
Aiming at the problem of ecological monitoring in nature reserves,an automatic cruise robot is designed to make up the blanks of UAVs and improve the diversity of monitoring data.The robot based on inertial navigation uses Baidu map to plan the job path.And it supports map positioning.This project designs an intrusion sensing system that transmits information through a Zig Bee node. The robot can serve as a relay node.After reaching back to the mobile monitoring side,the data is converged to the cloud platform for users to view.The operator controls robot arm through the smart glove in order to meet the map preset task to achieve the sensor node recovery and placement.The operator controls camera remotely through the virtual control handle and the camera will send video information to the mobile terminal. In addition,the robot also supports voice recognition,control and human-computer interaction. After testing,the system helps to grasp the characteristics of the field environment in real time.Test results show that the reliability of the system test are more than 90%,the system can achieve efficient environmental testing and scientific environmental management.