深海氧同位素(MIS)5e阶段的环境要素可与现代暖期对比,研究其气候特征和持续时间,有助于更好地理解现代暖期过程和未来气候发展趋势,是第四纪研究的一个重要问题。很多学者开展了相关研究,但对MIS 5e时期气候特征存在不同见解。通过对全球典型地区的35个具有可靠年代和可信代用指标古气候记录综合分析,初步认为:1MIS 5e起止时间为(128±2)~(116±2)ka,该时期全球范围内的气候存在小幅度波动,但对于是否存在冷事件及其变化幅度和起止时间,区域间的差异明显,如北大西洋区海洋气候记录指示MIS 5e阶段气候比较稳定,而挪威海区的气候记录显示MIS 5e早期气候有2个明显的变化,在中期存在一个冷事件;南极洲和格陵兰的δ18O,δD和CH4记录说明两区MIS 5e时期的气候都呈相对稳定状态;欧洲地区Eemian间冰期从南到北持续时间变短,气候波动幅度变大;中国地区MIS 5e气候特征研究分歧较大。2在亚轨道尺度上,MIS 5e时期全球气候具较好的一致性,太阳辐射可能是统一的驱动因子;在千年/百年尺度上,各个地区气候变化存在一定的差异性,可能受区域局地因子的控制。3在全球MIS 5e气候变化的研究中,还有很多方面有待提高,如关于全球性和区域性气候事件的联系、差异和机制问题、代用指标的指代意义及机理和MIS 5e阶段高分辨率的气候变化及古气候模拟研究等。
The Last Interglacial or Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, is of great interest because it serves as an analog for the Holocene. The climate change and duration during Marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e are considerably well understood for recent and future climate. Despite great interest in this subject over many years, a number of issues concerning the climate circumstances of MIS 5e are by no means resolved. We analyzed 35 published palaeo- climate records with reliable chronologies and robust proxies in typical region of the world to evaluate climate change during MIS 5e. These data indicate that: (1) The duration of this warm phase is thought to range from (128+2) ka to (116+2) ka. The climate of MIS 5e was likely relatively stable with a number of abrupt, weak amplitude, cool and/or arid events. And the difference between regions is noticeable for the occurrence, amplitude, onset and du- ration of these events. For example, marine records from the North Atlantic indicate that the climate of MIS 5e was relatively stable, however the records from Norwegian sea show that the climate of MIS 5 e had a significant changes at the beginning and cold event in the Mid-Eemian; The δ18O, δD and CH4 in the ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica imply that climate was relatively stable during the last interglacial period, while in Europe from the north to the south the duration of this phase became shorter and the intensity of climatic events became stronger. In addi- tion, the climatic conditions of MIS 5e reconstructed by climate proxy from China are various and have the subject of some controversy. (2)The global climate response to the insolation forcing would have been uniform on suborbital timescale. Nevertheless, as a result of regional sundry climatic forcing factors, global millennial-scale/century- scale climate oscillations were marked by significant local features during stage 5e. (3) Based on the better chrono- logical controls, the estimation of climate parameters, the high-resol