Mine blasts can be used as an economical and convenient type of seismic sources. However,as commercial conduct, the mine blast has its own activity manners, which are important for effectual seismological observations of large blast events. In this paper, we make a statistical analysis of mine blasts between January 2006 and December 2010 in North China, based on the non-earthquake catalogs by Beijing Digital telemetry Seismic Network. Their spatial distribution is wide, but not uniform in density and intensity. Concerned with blasts with magnitude Mc 2. 0, there are three obvious belts including Sanhe-Qian' an, Fangshan-Xingtang-Pinglu and Laiyuan-Datong. The blasting activity is affected by many factors for its economic and risky properties, and varies remarkably at the annual scale. It maintains a quite high level in 2006 and 2007, but sharply reduces in 2008, and then gradually increases until 2010. The blasting seasonality is not very strong. Relatively, the activity is low in February and October. The daily distribution of blast shows no distinct variations but the hourly one shows obvious rush hours. Its highest peak for each year consistently occurs between 12 and 13 o' clock, and the secondary active time interval is from 17 to 20 o'clock. As for the seismic effect induced by mine blasts, the number of available seismic records from an event varies much for the same magnitude. Its maximum is basically proportionate to the latter. The blasting activity characteristics can be used as a guide to the seismological observation of large mine blasts in North China.