用102 F测量了西北沙源区各类型地表的发射率.将测量结果与ASTER JHU波谱库数据对比,显示了测量结果的可靠性和必要性.分析结果表明,不同地表类型发射率差异显著,同种类型地表发射率因物理特征不同会呈现规律性差异,发射率在时间尺度上具有稳定性.测量的沙源区发射率数据及分析结果对沙尘暴相关研究有重要意义.
Various types of surface emissivities for dust source regions in northwest China were measured by 102F. The comparison between field measured spectra and the ASTER JHU spectral library data showed the reliability and necessity of the field measurement. The analysis results showed that emissivity had significant differences for different types of land surface. The regular differences in emissivity for the same type surface were related to the different physical characteristics. The emissivity was relatively stable on the time scale. The measurement and analysis of the emissivity data for the sand dust source regions provide important information for sandstorm related researches.