The integrate design of the flight control system, power supply system, navigation and positioning system and radio-transmission system was performed. An integrate designation schema of the avionics system of smal lunmanned aerial vehicle economical with low cost, stable s tru c tu re and strong anti-interference performance was presented and real ized. In the software design,the measurement of the acceleration sensor and angular velocity sensor were fused by instant and constant fusion algori thms,and the measurement of the magnetic heading sensor were processed by Kalman filtering and compass deviat ion correction to real ize the accurate measure of the flying attitude. Posture autostable control mode, altitude holding control mode,direction holding control mode were real ized and can be superimposed in the flight control system. Direct current stabi l ized power supply module with wide voltage appl ication range was uti lized and the ripple voltage was efficiently filtered. In the hardware design,the hole position and size of the circuit board was unified to ascertain the consistency.