针对高压脉冲试验或老化设备中高压脉冲峰值电压和峰值电流测量的需要,设计了一种两级脉冲电压峰值保持器电路.该电路兼顾了适应快速脉冲前沿(约100 ns)和超长时间保持(约10 s)两方面的性能要求,可以实现超长时间的快速峰值电压保持.实验结果表明,该电路可以获得长时间的峰值保持,满足后续慢速测量电路如数码显示表头、工业PLC模拟量输入模块等的需要,替代高性能数字示波器的测量功能。
A two-stage pulse holder circuit,was degjgned fqr the measurement of high voltage or current pulse regarding high pulse voltage testing or aging testing.It took into account both the fast leading edge(~100 ns) and long time holding(~10 s),and could hold the peak-value voltage for a long time.The experiment results show that a hold-time of seconds can be got from this circuit,and fulfill measurement of follow-up such as digital displaying meter or analogue module of PLC can also be realized.This circuit can replace the measurement provided by a high-performance digital oscilloscope.