WANG Yun was born in Luohe, Henan, China in 1985. He received his master's degree in Infomaation and Communica- tion Engineering from the Academy of Equipment in Beijing, China, 2010. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Academy of Equipment in Beijing. His research interests are electro- magnetic pulse simulators and antennas. E-mail: wangyunjunxie@ CHEN Yongguang was born in 1962. He is a professor in Shijiazhnang Mechanical Engineering College, China, His research focuses on electromagnetic field effect evaluation technology, the electronic equipment test theory and technology. WANG Qingguo was born in 1964. He is a professor in Institute of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Protection of Shijiazhuang Mechanical Engineering College, China. His research focuses on Electromagnetic shielding theory and technology.