Microbial species in natural habitat has extremely high abundance and diversity, their activityand interactions play an important role in maintaining ecosystem stability. Microbiota in human and other hostsaffects host disease and health. Next generation sequencing technology makes possible to quickly obtain data ofmicrobial community composition and function. Research focus in microbial community and ecosystem ecologyhas shifted from describing observational patterns to understanding microbial inter-specific interactions, and topredicting dynamic changes in community structure and function. Numerous algorithm and modeling techniqueshave been developed to infer microbial network from sequencing data. However, such top-down approach hasintrinsic limitations. The bottom-up approach, that is, direct investigation of microbial interactions through invitro and in vivo experiments, could help to understand higher level ecological patterns. In addition, analyticalmodeling and simulations can reveal how microbial interactions affect community dynamics and function. Futurestudies could benefit from integrating these observational, experimental, and theoretical approaches, toimprove understanding and prediction of microbial interactions, and to meet the challenges of rapid climatechange, pathogen infection, and antibiotic resistance evolution.