农业关系到国家稳定和人民的生活,是国民经济发展的基础,农业发展的关键在于提高农业效率。运用数据包络分析法,测度了2003—2007中国各省农业生产效率变化,并进行了全要素生产率TFP分解,然后利用这些效率指标以及影响因素的外延数据构成面板数据(Panel Data)建立模型。通过实证分析得出:农业专业技术人员培养和农业经营规模的适度扩大,有助于农业效率的提升,强化财政支出管理也会对其提升起到促进作用。表3,参14。
Relating to a country' s stability and people' s lives, agriculture is the basis of the national economic development. The key of agricultural development is to improve agricultural efficiency. This paper measures change of China' s agricultural efficiency by using the model of data envelopment analysis, and then uses indicators and the data of influential factors to constitute a panel Model. Through empirical analysis, we can reach the following conclusions: professional training, extended scale of agriculture and improvement of management of finance expenditure will help to improve agricultural efficiency.