利用黑河流域上游冰沟流域样地的实测积雪光谱和实测雪粒径数据,对不同雪粒径的光谱曲线特征进行分析,找出位于1030 nm和1250 nm附近对雪粒径较敏感的两个波长,定量地揭示了位于这两个波长附近处的光谱曲线特征与雪粒径的关系.1030 nm和1250 nm附近是雪反射光谱中两个较明显的吸收峰位置,但雪在这两处的反射率值依然较高.分别通过1030 nm和1250 nm附近吸收峰置差异、1030 nm附近处的光谱吸收深度、光谱吸收面积等4种方法与雪粒径进行关系拟合.结果表明:光谱吸收面积法对雪粒径有很好的指示作用,与雪粒径的线性和指数曲线拟合效果最好.同时,1030nm附近的波长受大气散射和衰减的影响很小,可将该方法直接运用到高光谱影像上.
Using the spectrum reflection curves of different grain size of snow measured in Binggou basin,the spectral reflection characteristics of snow are analyzed.It is found that the bands near 1030 nm are sensitive to snow grain size.The relationships between snow grain size and the spectral reflection near the band are gained quantitatively.The bands near 1 030 nm and 1 250 nm are two obvious spectral absorption peaks of snow,with rather strong reflectance signal.The spectral features are analyzed in detail thr...