Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in organic film on window glass surface were quantitatively analyzed by GC-MS. The results showed that with increasing floors, the density of PAHs on the residential buildings presented an increasing-decreasing trend, where the highest and lowest density appeared on the third floors and the ninth floors, respectively. While the density of PAHs of 17 floors apartment block showed a trend with first decreasing then increasing pattern, the highest and lowest density appeared on the ninth floor and the sixteenth floor, respectively. The analysis for the relations between TOC and PAHs suggests that the abundance of PAHs on the glass surface is also influenced by other factors apart from TOC. The 10 floors residential building mainly presented 3 rings and 4 rings PAHs, while the 17 floors apartment mainly presented 4 rings PAHs. The PAHs density on the outdoor glass surface was much higher than that in the indoor surface, and the outdoor glass surface mainly presented Phe, Pyr, Chry, Fluo and F1. The ratio of low rings PAHs on the indoor and outdoor surface was close to 1, while the ratio of high rings was almost less than 0.6. Although TEQ values were lower, but we still need to pay attention to the ecological risk of PAHs in organic film on glass surface.