用有限元方法分析了X管节点承受轴向拉力作用时沿焊缝应力集中系数的分布,发现X型管节点最大应力集中系数出现在鞍点处。同时探讨了X节点几何参数对应力集中系数的影响,提出了用于计算X节点最大应力集中系数的参数公式,通过与国际疲劳指导委员会(Fatigue Guidance Review Panel)提出的评价标准比较,证明了所提公式的正确性。
The stress concentration factor distribution along the weld toe for tubular X-joints subjected to axial loads have been analyzed using finite element method. Through numerical analysis, it has been found that the peak stress concentration factor for the analyzed model is located at the saddle position. The effect of the geometric parameters of a tubular X-joint on the stress concentration factor has been investigated. Based on the numerical results, a parametric equation used to calculate the stress concentration factor of tubular X-joints has been proposed. The accuracy of this equation has been verified against the requirement of the Fatigue Guidance Review Panel, and it has been found that the proposed equation can produce reasonably accurate stress concentration factor values for tubular X-joints subjected to axial loads.