采用DNA条形码(DNA barcoding)技术, 基于COI基因序列鉴定牡蛎种类, 研究了牡蛎科(Ostreidae)牡蛎在广西沿海的分布。本次研究从广西沿海16个采样地点的潮间带共采集550个野生牡蛎样本, 随机抽取了367个牡蛎样本进行基因组DNA的提取和线粒体COI基因的鉴定, 共检测出4属7种牡蛎。巨牡蛎属有4种, 分别为熊本牡蛎(Crassostrea sikamea)108个, 葡萄牙牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas angulata)43个, 香港巨牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)15个, 近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)18个, 囊牡蛎属(Saccostrea)的多刺牡蛎(Saccostrea echinata)61个, 爪蛎属(Talonostrea)的猫爪牡蛎(Talonostrea talonata)112个, 齿牡蛎属(Dendostea)的齿缘牡蛎(Dendostea crenulifera)10个。结果表明, 广西沿海牡蛎物种丰富, 至少7种牡蛎分布于潮间带, 其中优势种为猫爪牡蛎和熊本牡蛎, 在广西沿海各采样点均有分布。多刺牡蛎和葡萄牙牡蛎次之, 香港巨牡蛎、近江牡蛎、齿缘牡蛎数量较少, 分布较集中。
We used COI barcodes to recognize the oysters from the coastal area in Guangxi, China. A total of 550 oysters were collected from 16 sites along coast, of which 367 oysters were specified in mitochondrial COI gene-based analysis. At least 7 oyster species were recognized in this study, of which 4 were from genus Crassostrea in Family Ostreidae: C. sikamea (186 samples), C. gigas angulata (43 samples), C. hongkongensis (15 samples), and C. ariakensis (18 samples); and 3 belong to other genera, i.e., Saccostrea echinata (61 samples), Talonostrea talonata (112 samples), and Dendostea crenulifera (10 samples). The dominant ones were T. talonata and C. sikamea.