对广西捕食线虫真菌的资源调查研究中.发现我国单顶孢属一个新记录种,即大孢单顶孢(Monacrosporium megalosporum)。其主要特征为分生孢子梗单生或偶有分枝,顶部着生单个分生孢子;分生孢子阔纺锤形,顶部钝圆.基部平截,具2~4个分隔,以3个分隔为主;通过三维菌网捕食线虫。
During the investigation of nematodeLtrapping fungi in Guangxi of China, Monacrosporium megalosporum was encountered in China firstly. Its morphological character is that conidiophores are simple or occasionally branched, bearing a single conidium on the tip. Conidia are broadly fusoid-shaped, rounded at the distal end and truncate at the proximal end, with 2-4 and mainly 3 septa, trapping nematodes by means of adhesive net.