现有网络研究的实验一般在模拟工具或原型系统上完成.然而,这些实验环境与真实网络环境总有较大的差别,主要包括没有真实用户流量、缺乏真实网络中的丰富网络事件、没有运行真正的协议栈软硬件平台等.另一方面,对于运营网络的研究,研究者经常希望分析网络事件发生前后的网络状况,例如更改拓扑或配置,注入网络故障等,显然这些措施难以在真实运营网络中实施.针对上述问题设计了一种为网络研究提供真实实验环境以及对核心网络进行模拟分析的高性能虚拟网络VegaNet(Virtual Gigabit Network).文中详细介绍了VegaNet结构模型及设计实现.目前,已完成VegaNet在CERNET2清华校园网的初步部署.实验表明,VegaNet能提供一个接近于真实网络状况的网络实验环境,并能灵活支持对核心网络的模拟分析.
Network experiments are usually implemented through imitation or prototype.However,great difference exists between reality and experimental environment,such as no real user traffic,no rich network events,and no real routing platform.On the other hand,researchers prefer to analyze current network status after injecting failures and changes about configuration or network fabric.To solve the above issue,VegaNet(Virtual Gigabit Network)is designed,which is a virtual network with high performance.It supports the following aspects, real user traffic load, node and link failure injection, state synchronization within substrate network, high-performance forwarding, and so on. VegaNet can be regarded as a real experimental environment, and through which net researchers can simulate and analyze current network. This paper presents model and design of VegaNet. Experiments show that VegaNet with high performance can possess the above functions.