In order to adapt to the increasing number of overseas engineering constructions, it needs to compare and evaluate bridge design specifications among different countries in all aspects. Based on the structural reliability theory and limit states' design method a comprehensive evaluation system of Chinese, American and European specifications which evaluates the economy and security of different design specifications is established. Considering the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state, this paper puts forward the evaluation of the basic indices ' section surplus' , 'deformation surplus' and 'stress surplus', and evaluation of the core index 'comprehensive surplus', and calculates the weights of each surplus. According to the calculation on the standard drawings and real case studies, the Eurocodes and AASHTO give more comprehensive surplus than Chinese specifications. In other words, with the same material properties, the structure designed according to Euroeodes and AASHTO has higher structural resistance, while Chinese specification emphasize more on economical way. The comprehensive evaluation system is able to evaluate the security and economy of different bridge design specifications objectively and quantitatively.