The FPGA architecture description file, which describes the hardware resources, is not only used to parse for the extraction of the internal structure information inside FPGA chip, but also used to translate into the interconnection resource graph, which is the general abstract model of FPGA programmable interconnection resources. We adopt the digraph to describe the FPGA interconnection resource and the topological structure, whose vertex can be considered as the port of module or interconnection line and directed edge can be represented as the programmable channel between the ports of module with interconnection lines. Furthermore, we are not only present the workflow of the converter to translate FPGA architecture description file into interconnection resource graph, but also give the EBNF expression of the compiler and the top-down translate algorithm. Finally, we implement the converter in Windows OS and C+ +. The experiment of the slice model of Xilinx's Virtex-6 shows that the converter could translate FPGA architecture description file into interconnection resource graph. The correctness and effectiveness of the converter based on the top-down translate algorithm is also proved by the experiment.