Xue Jiang, She received her M. S. degree in 2007. Now she is working for her Ph.D. degree in Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China. Her research interests include signal processing in wireless communications and interference alignment. Email:jiangx@njupt.edu.cn The corresponding author, email: zby@njupt.edu.cn.Baoyu Zheng, He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Department of Circuit and Signal System, NUPT, in 1969 and 1981, respectively. Since then, he has been engaged in teaching and researching at Signal and Information Processing. He is a full professor and doctoral advisor at NUPT. His research interests span the broad area of the intelligent signal processing, wireless network and signal processing for modern communication, and the quantum signal processing Yuelin Du, He has long been engaged in the teaching and research work of signal and information processing, wireless communication, embedded control, he has a deeper understanding of the field of wireless communication network, communication signal processing, embedded control.