Noise intensity distributed in seismic data varies with different frequencies or frequency bands; thus, noise attenuation on the full-frequency band affects the dynamic properties of the seismic reflection signal and the subsequent seismic data interpretation, reservoir description, hydrocarbon detection, etc. Hence, we propose an adaptive noise attenuation method for edge and amplitude preservation, wherein the wavelet packet transform is used to decompose the full-band seismic signal into multiband data and then process these data using nonlinear anisotropic dip-oriented edge-preserving fi ltering. In the fi ltering, the calculated diffusion tensor from the structure tensor can be exploited to establish the direction of smoothing. In addition, the fault confidence measure and discontinuity operator can be used to preserve the structural and stratigraphic discontinuities and edges, and the decorrelation criteria can be used to establish the number of iterations. These parameters can minimize the intervention and subjectivity of the interpreter, and simplify the application of the proposed method. We applied the proposed method to synthetic and real 3D marine seismic data. We found that the proposed method could be used to attenuate noise in seismic data while preserving the effective discontinuity information and amplitude characteristics in seismic refl ection waves, providing high-quality data for interpretation and analysis such as high-resolution processing, attribute analysis, and inversion.