Measuring bedload transport with ADCP is a new trend for subaqueous sediment transport study.The river beds of North Channel and South Channel in the Changjiang Estuary consist of silt-fine sand,and this paper tried to use ADCP with fixed point observation to study bedload transport. The results showed that high concentration of near-bottom suspended sediment might influence the observation of bedload transport with ADCP,but the influence did not change by the variation of the concentration and thickness of near-bottom suspended sediment. Measuring bedload speed( V)awith ADCP is applicable to the situation that bed particles are generally moving. The critical incipient velocity for bed particles of North Channel and South Channel are0. 9 m / s and 1. 0 m / s respectively. Under the condition of bed particles in generally movement,the relationship between bedloadspeed(V)aand shear stress( τsk) can be approximated by a power function of shear stress with an exponent about 2. 1,which is agreement with the results of flume experiments. Therefore,using ADCP to estimate bedload speed is reasonable and effective,and it can be used to study bedload transport mechanisms in the field.