从理论上分析了真空蒸馏脆硫铅锑矿富集Sb2S3的可行性并展开了实验研究,对实验样品进行元素成分分析和物相分析,探究蒸馏温度保温时间等因素对富集Sb2S3的影响,实验研究结果表明,通过真空蒸馏的方法可以实现脆硫铅锑矿中Sb2S3的富集,获得高质量的Sb2S3,随着温度的升高,锑元素的挥发率不断增加,但冷凝物中锑含量先增加后减小。通过对比确定实验最佳蒸馏温度为973 K,保温时间为30 min,Sb2S3的挥发率高达92.84%,锑的含量高达68.47%。对比目前主流处理技术,该方法可以缩短锑冶炼现有工艺流程,提高资源利用率,减少环境污染。
The feasibility of the enrichment of Sb2S3 from jamesonite by vacuum distillation was theoretically analyzed. The impact of the distillation conditions,including but not limited to the distillation temperature,holding time,pressure and contents of impurities,on the Sb2S3 volatilization rate was experimentally investigated with X-ray diffraction scanning electron microscopy,energy dispersive spectroscopy and conventional chemical analysis. The preliminary results show that depending on the distillation temperature,the enrichment of Sb2S3 from jamesonite by vacuum distillation is feasible. For example,as the distillation temperature increased,the Sb-volatilization rate increased,but the Sb-content in the condensate changed in an increase-decrease mode. Distilled at 973 K and held for 30 min,the volatilization rate of Sb2S3 was found to be 92. 84%,and the Sb-content in the condensate was estimated to be 68. 47%. We suggest that the newly-developed vacuum distillation may outperform the conventional Sb-extraction from jamesonite by smelting because of the reduced environmental pollution,simplified operation and decreased power consumption.