本文利用两粒子最大纠缠态作为经典信息的载体,根据通信双方事先共享的基序列之间的相互关系制备和测量量子态,结合纠缠纯化和密性增强技术,提出了一种量子安全通信方案,并且分析了它的安全性.由于方案中测量基的选择是确定性而非随机性的,所以避免了密钥分发过程中的粒子浪费.若不考虑窃听检测所消耗的粒子,平均1个纠缠粒子对能够建立1 qubit量子密钥或者1 bit经典密钥.
A quantum secure communication scheme based on the deterministic measurement was proposed and discussed.The scheme is implemented by using two-particle maximum quantum entanglement,which is the carrier of the classical information,and the techniques such as entanglement purify and privacy amplification.In this scheme,the correspondents generate and measure the quantum states according to two bases sequences shared in advance.There are no discarded data in the ideal case as a result of the deterministic bases.One entangled state can be used to share 1 qubit or 1 bit on average if the particles for eavesdropping detection are not concerned.