We theoretically investigated the properties of hydrogen bonds in the protein-bound DNA trimer( protona- ted arginine...guanine..cytosine, ArgH+-GC) units as hole migration carriers using density functional theory calcula- tions. Results suggest these hydrogen bonds are metastable and feature considerable negative dissociation energies up- on hole migration through the ArgH+-GC units of the carriers. Normally, the ArgH+ group can H-bond with the gua- nine-cytosine(GC) base pair in the major/minor-groove face with positive dissociation energy. However, hole trap- ping weakens the H-bonds to being metastable with a mild dissociation barrier and considerable negative dissociationenergy. This barrier-inhibited negative dissociation energy phenomenon implies that the trimer motif can store energy (ca. 108. 48 kJ/mol) in its ArgH~ ... N7/O6 bond zone due to hole-trapping. This H-bond dissociation channel is governed by a balance between electrostatic repulsion and H-bonding attraction in the two associated moieties and dif- ferent attenuations of two opposite interactions with respect to the H-bond distance. The topological properties of elec- tron densities and the Laplacian values at the bond critical points clarify that this energetic phenomenon mainly origi- nates from additional electrostatic repulsions between two moieties linked via high-energy H-bonds( ArgH+- -N7/O6 ). Proton transfer from G induced by hole-trapping can expand the negative dissociation energy zone to both the ArgH+. N7/06 and Watson-Crick(WC) H-bond zones. In addition, the placement of ArgH+ at the major/minor grooves of DNA where ArgH+ could interact with the GC unit increases its ionization potential, and thus weakens its hole- relaying ability in different degrees, depending on the separation between ArgH+ and GC. Similar phenomena can be observed in the protonated lysine-GC and protonated histidine-GC cases. Clearly, such property-tunable metastable H-bonds can regulate the hole migration mechanism. This