西南三江地区在大地构造位置上处于欧亚板块和印度板块结合部位的特提斯构造域东段。自早古生代以来,区内曾经历过多期次的构造岩浆活动,为金属的成矿作用提供了十分有利的成矿条件,区内已发现有色金属、贵金属为主的矿床约200处;其中,超大型矿床12处,大型矿床60余处,各种金属矿床(点)2 000余处。是我国最重要的金属矿床集中分布区之一。该区从东到西可划分出九个大地构造单元:巴颜喀拉-扬子陆块、甘孜-理塘板块结合带、德格-中甸陆块、金沙江-哀牢山板块结合带、昌都-思茅陆块、澜沦江板块结合带、左贡-保山陆块、班公湖-怒江板块结合带、波密-腾冲陆块;可划分为与此对应的9个成矿带。论述了西南三江地区大地构造演化与金属矿床的成矿作用的关系。提出了西南三江地区造山带自寒武纪以来主要经历了8个大地构造演化与成矿作用发展演化阶段。多期次的构造岩浆成矿作用,在区内形成了丰富的矿产资源和多种矿床成因类型的金属矿床。研究表明,本区金属矿床的主要类型有:火山成因块状硫化物型多金属矿床、层控型多金属矿床、浊积岩型金多金属矿床、岩浆期后热液型铜多金属矿床、矽卡岩型多金属矿床、斑岩型铜多金属矿床、剪切带型金矿床等,为该区金属矿床研究与找矿突破提供了新思路和新资料。
Multiple tectonic-magmatic activities occurred in the eastern sector of the Tethys since the Early Paleozoic created favorable conditions for the formation of metallic ore deposits, about 200 precious metal deposits, 12 ultra large scale deposits and about 60 large scale ore deposits have been found in the area. Tectonically, this area can be divided into following tectonic units; Kekexili-Yajiang passive continental margin, Garze-Litang plate suture zone, Dege-Zhongdian plate,Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan plate suture zone, Changdu-Simao plate, Lanchangjiang plate suture zone, Zuogong-Baoshan plate, Nujiang plate suture zone, Bomi-Tengchong plate. Accordingly, nine mineralization zones are proposed as Kekexili-Yajiang mineralization zone,Dege-Zhongdian miner-alization zone, Jinshajiang-Ailaoshan mineralization zone, Changdu-Simao mineralization zone, Lanchangjiang mineralization zone, Zuogong-Baoshan mineralization zone, Nujiang mineralization zone, Bomi-Tengchong mineralization zone. It is considered that the tectonic evolution is related to the main mineralization activities in the Nujiang-Lancang-Jinsha rivers area and eight mineralization stages have been experienced since the Cambrian period. Ore deposits in the area can be divided into seven types,massive sulfide type, stratabound type, turbidite type, post magmatic hydrothermal type, skarn type,porphyry type and ductile shear zone type, respectively. The study provides new ideas for the metallogenic research and for the exploration of ore deposits in the Sanjiang region.