为实现纵向岭谷区农业水管理调控,宏观上以流域水资源综合规划为基础,从需求入手,采取强化节水措施,提高水的利用效率,抑制需水的不合理增长,到2030年农田有效灌溉程度达到32%,灌溉水利用系数提高到0.581,农业灌溉需水总量控制在89.8亿m3,需水年均增长率仅0.52%,以MKIE BASIN模型的配置结果显示,各规划水平年能达到水资源供需平衡;微观上应建立数字流域工程,提高对流域雨水工情的实时监测。推行农业高效节水灌溉制度,建立和完善包括实时灌溉预报、渠系动态配水、实时信息采集和预报修正、灌区空间信息管理等内容的流域单元农业灌溉用水及水资源的实时调度系统,利用水资源配置成果与短期实时调度相结合,实现流域单元的农业高效用水调控。
In order to realize agriculture water resources management in the Longitudinal Range Gorge Region (LRGR), firstly, river basin water resources integrated planning should be carried out in macro-scope aspect, taken water saving measures to improve water resources utilized efficient, and restrain water demanded unreasonable increasing. Then, farmland irrigation ratio will enhanced to 32%, irrigation efficient is 0. 581, agriculture irrigation water requirements quantity must below 8. 98 billion m3 in the future of 2030, and yearly water demanded increase only 0.52%, water resources allocated results by MIKE BASIN tool indicates that water resources supply and demands in I.RGR will incline to balance after 2020. Secondly, built digital watershed engineering and modify real time observing of rainy, water, and hydraulic engineering. Thirdly, water saving irrigation technique will be extended, constructed river basin water resources real time operating system which include real time irrigation forecast, channel water dynamical allocate, real time information collect, and irrigation district spatial information management. Therefore, the combining of water resources allocation scenario and daily real time operation scheme will realize agriculture water resources management.