In terms of the profit distribution related to two-stage channels and three- stage supply chain including manufacturers, distributors and retailers, this paper compares the effects of different distribution strategies on profits and gross profits of enterprises at supply chain nodes through game analysis in normal and interrupted supply chain, on the basis of Stackelberg's profit independent distribution model and the profit distribution model in corporate collaboration. It follows that, when enterprises at supply chain nodes collaborate, the gross profits are significantly higher than those when enterprises make independent decisions, regardless of supply chain interruption. When supply chain interruption results in a rise in demand, for manufacturers, increasing the original production depends on the comparison between m andβc11; when the demand shrinks, the readjustment of the original production plans and of prices depends on the comparison between m and βc1 In the profit independent distribution strategy in supply chain interruption, the regulation of the price distribution quotient depends on the decision sequence. Enterprises at supply chain nodes could select appropriate distribu- tion factors to distribute profits in terms of bargaining capacity. By the Shapley value and its calculation, it is shown that the collaboration of enterprises at supply chain nodes can increase profits effectively, ensuring the rationality and effectiveness of supply chain profit distribution.