The consolidation process of dredger fill is one in which soil particles change from disorder and irregularityto order and regularity, flocculate and form a more stable soil structure. In the process of indoor simulation consolida-tion test for dredger fill, soil samples were taken at the specified position and depth, and the basic physical proper-ties and micro-structure of the samples were tested. The microscopic structure, particle size, particle abundance,particle orientation and the change in macroscopic physical properties of dredger fill were analyzed. The resultsshowed that the agglomeration degree in the deep part is greater than that in the shallow part. In the shallow part, thechange of particles in the horizontal direction is greater than that in the vertical direction, while in the deep part, thechange degrees in both vertical and horizontal directions are similar. The number of particles 〈 2 μm decreases con-tinuously, while the number of particles 〉 20 μm keeps increasing. The abundance of particles decreases. Soil parti-cles are directed at one or several directions. The increase of orientation and abundance prompted the agglomeration ofparticles. This process is a transformation process of soil particles from unstable to stable state. The formation of setparticles would significantly improve the macroscopic physical properties, with a reduction of moisture content andan increase of density.