In the B-F reserve model, the estimations of accident year mean are very crit- ical in reserve model. However, the traditional approach assume that there are some prior estimates for accident year means which are determined by the actuary based on past experience, which has great subjectivity. If the prior estimates are choose correctly, we will get the an accurate estimate of the reserve. On the contrary, if the a prior estimate are selected incorrectly, there must be bring large errors in the reserve estimates. This paper presents an improved stochastic B-F reserve model. The ideas from credibility theory are used and the credibility estimates of accident year means are derived. In addition, the empirical Bayes approach are investigated and the estimations of structural parameters are given. Further- more, we get empirical Bayes estimates of reserves. We use numerical simulation to verify the mean square error for Empirical Bayes estimates, and the conclusions show that this empirical Bayes estimates are valid in stochastic B-F model. Finally, practical examples of insurance company are given and the differences are compared among our empirical Bayes estimates obtained, chain ladder estimates and traditional BF estimates.