文章针对媒体存储和管理面临的问题和需求提出并实现了一种新的媒体存储技术——媒体内容寻址存储(MCAS,Media Content Addressable Storage)。MCAS对媒体对象进行Hash计算得到固定长度的数字代替文件名,Hash和元数据组成一个标准格式的XML文件提供一个媒体对象的数字清单,既便于多个应用程序进行数据交换,又便于用户基于内容检索。MCAS将存储技术和内容管理技术的结合在一起,可针对巨大的视听内容进行数字归档,提高存储系统的搜索性能和效率。
A media asset management system based on content addressable storage(Media Content Addressable Storage, MCAS) is proposed and implemented.The whole MCAS system is fully integrated with Content Management and Storage Management capabilities.In a MCAS system,a fixed length digest(Hash) computed over a variable data chunk of the file.Hash insert into the metadata file compose a XML form file(called as recipes ).Recipes contain a list of dada block identifier.One can get media content once recipes have been obtained.MCAS can help improve the search efficiency of media content;it can meet the archiving storage demand in the multimedia and broadcasting industry.