More than half a century, the urban sprawl has attracted extensive attention of scholars from different disciplines,the significant researchprogress hasmade,however, there are still some shortages. In this paper, the authors discuss the connotation definition, measurement methods, dynamic mechanismof urban sprawl,and discriminatethe particularity of spatial expansion of Chinese big cities. The authors hold that city spread refers to the blind and unplanned, dispersed and discontinuous, the single-function and low density, over-reliance on motorized traveling and an increasingly tensepopulation and landrelationship,unsustainable model of urban spatial extension, which has the characteristics of complexity, stage, regional, and relativity, and is the result of comprehensive action such as economic, institutional, policy, technical, planning, social, cultural and psychological factors. City spread is characterized by excessive suburbanization, is associated with specific temporal-spatial conditions, and needs to be examined from interactive evolution perspective between the city center and suburbs.Traffic congestion and air pollution in China's big cities is not only anurban rather than a suburb problem, a new urban planning must pay enough attention to this.