Three general carbon emission reduction technologies, namely energy saving, CO2 capture and storage (CCS), and nature gas replacement technology, are introduced and the development situation is presented. Moreover,three representative techniques are chosen to compare the mitigation performance and techno-economic performance. The results show that, the next generation coal-fired power plants with main steam temperature of 700℃ and double-reheat cycle can reduce the energy consumption by enhancing the net efficiency,thus to realize CO2 emission reduction, but the investment cost is huge. The post-CCS technique based on chemical absorption can reduce the CO2 emission sharply, but the unit efficiency decreases by 6~ 9 % points. Through clean energy replacement, the CO2 emission of nature gas combined cycle power plant without CO2 capture is only 45% of that in coal-fired power plant. Its cost of electricity (Cot) and the cost of CO2 avoided (CoA) is the lowest among these three techniques. In addition,with a certain extend in- crease of nature gas price (around 20 %), the nature gas combined cycle power plant still presents good economic performance. The results show the nature gas replacement is a potential technique aiming to achieve large mitigation in near and medium-term.