The numerical modeling is one of the key foundations for the explosion risk assessment of offshore platforms. However,there is a lack of unified modelling standards for grid size,obstruction congestion etc.,and thus the prediction accuracy of the explosive overpressure is difficult to guarantee. This paper aims to propose a procedure to derive the optimized numerical modelling scheme based on the statistics theory. Firstly,the numerical equations of the overpressure and its influencing factors are discretized to get the overpressure set, model set and condition set. Then, the analysis of the grid optimization, physical model optimization and similar supplementary plan is carried out based on the vector space derived from the Latin hypercube sampling of condition set. At last, the correlation coefficient between the results of numerical model and theoretical model is used to determine the suitable grid size, the equivalent diameter of deleted obstacle for engineering. The result shows that the size of the grid in the core area of the numerical model for explosion risk assessment of offshore platforms is recommended as 0. 2 m. For the platform in service, the obstacles with equivalent diameter less than 0. 06 m can be ignored during modelling, and the obstacles with equivalent diameter less than 0. 08 m can be replaced by the equivalent uniform tubes. For the platform under design, the tube with diameter of 0. 08 m can be used to represent the congestion of the platform. The conclusion can help to reduce the workload of modelling while ensuring the accuracy of overpressure prediction.