目的:验证简易版三因素进食问卷(Three factor eating questionaire,TFEQ-18)在中国女大学生中的适用性及其信效度。方法:420名女大学生完成了翻译后的三因素进食问卷(简易版),其中30人在四周以后重测。结果:探索性因素分析显示三因素进食问卷在中国女大学生群体中也包括情绪性进食(Emotional eating)、认知限制性进食(Cognitive restraint)、无法控制的进食(Uncontrolled eating)3个维度。验证性因素分析表明三因素模型具有良好的拟合指标(NFI=0.89,CFI=0.86,NNFI=0.84,SRMR=0.92,RMSEA=0.068)。中文版量表的内部一致性系数为0.83,4周后的重测信度系数为0.83,同时该量表还具有良好的效标效度。结论:三因素进食问卷在中国女大学生群体中具有良好的信效度。可以作为筛选不良进食行为的有效工具。
Objective: To.test the applicability of three factor eating questionaire, and to explore the status of three factor eating questionaire among women undergraduates in China. Methods: A study was done in 420 Chinese women undergraduates, all the students were asked to complete TFEQ, NPPS, DEBQ. Four weeks later, 30 students were retested with TFEQ. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed that TFEQ included three dimensions: emotional eating, cognitive restraint eating and uncontroled eating. Confimatory factor analysis revealed that: NFI=0.89, CFI=0.86, NNFI=0.84, SRMR= 0.92, RMSEA=0.068, test-retest reliability was 0.82, internal consistency coefficient of TFEQ was 0.83. Conclusion: The reliability and validity of three factor eating questionaire are acceptable in Chinese women undergraduates as a self-report measure for eating behaviors.