The photodetachment of H- in a gradient electric field near an elastic surface has been studied on the basis of the closed-orbit theory, especially, the influence of the elastic surface on the photode- tachment cross section of H- in a gradient electric field is discussed. It is demonstrated that the photo- detachment of H in a gradient electric field near an elastic surface is related to the position of the elastic surface. If the elastic surface was set far away from H- , it has a minor influence on the photodetach- ment cross section and the cross section approximates to that of photodetachment of H- in a gradient e- lectric field without the elastic surface. However, with the decrease of the ion-surface distance, its in- fluence becomes apparent, the oscillating amplitude of the photodetachment cross section becomes lar- ger. Besides, we compare the cases when the elastic surface lies in the Z〉0 space and in the Z〈0 space. The results suggests that the oscillatiory structure becomes more complex when elastic surface lies in the Z〈0 space rather than in the Z〉0 space. Therefore, we can control the photodetachment of H- in a gra- dient electric field by changing the position of the elastic surface. We hope that our results will be useful in understanding the photodetachment process of negative ions in non-uniform field near surfaces.