采用电化学二次阳极氧化法分别在纯硫酸、纯草酸及硫酸-草酸混合电解液中制备了3个系列的多孔阳极氧化铝(AAO)样品, 考察了它们在250 nm光激发下的光致发光(PL)特性. 研究结果表明, 各系列AAO样品在350~450 nm波段范围内的PL谱形均完全相似, 具有相同的发光中心, 即氧空位缺陷态; 掺杂进入AAO样品的SO42-和C2O42-分解形成的发光中心对应的光发射分别在288和328 nm附近; 对于硫酸-草酸混合电解液中生长的AAO样品, 其在328 nm附近的发光峰随着硫酸-草酸体积比的增大呈先增大后减少的变化, 而288 nm附近的发光峰却由基本消失到逐渐显现. 初步分析了该现象的成因.
Photoluminescence(PL) properties of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) membranes with an ordered nanopore array formed in a mixture of sulfuric acid and oxalic acid solution with various volume ratios by twostep anodizing process were investigated under an excitation at 250 nm. Measurements reveal that the PL band in the wavelength range of 350----450 nm originates from optical transitions from oxygen vacancies, the 288 nm and 328 nm peaks attribute to the impurities of SO4^2- and C2O4^- in AAO, respectively. With the increasing ratio of SO4^2- vs. C2O4^2- , the intensity of 328 nm peak reaches a maximum value and then decreases, but the peak located at 288 nm vanishes nearly, then appears gradually. Analyse suggests that there is likely to be nonradiative energy transfer between the two kinds of PL centers originated from SO4^- and C2O4^2-. An energy transfer mechanism was proposed to explain the behaviors of the emission at 328 nm, and it was tentatively suggested by the PL properties of AAO membranes with dual-layered structure fabricated from sulfuric acid and oxalic acid.