以科学引文索引(Science Citation Index,SCI)数据库中1991—2013年分子印迹技术相关文献为研究对象,通过对文献类型、语言及数量、作者所属的国家/地区和机构、发表文献的期刊分布和学科类别等信息进行文献计量学的分析,发现1991—2013年文献数量随时间呈指数函数增长,论文(Article)是最主要的文献类型,英语是使用最广泛的书写语言。中国是发表分子印迹技术相关论文最多的国家,而瑞典是发表高水平论文最多的国家。中国科学院是分子印迹技术论文高产量机构,瑞典隆德大学是高产量高被引机构。发表论文最多的学术期刊为Analytica Chimica Acta和Journal of Chromatography A,主要的学科类别为化学分析(Chemistry analytical)。本文研究所获信息用来评价分子印迹技术的研究进展和发展趋势,以期为从事分子印迹技术的研究人员提供文献参考。
Using the literatures in the molecular imprinting technique(MIT)research field published between1991 and 2013in the Science Citation Index(SCI)database,bibliometric analyses on document types,languages,publication outputs,the distribution of countries and institutes,as well as journals and subject categories,are conducted.The publication outputs show that MIT research exponentially increases over the past 23 years,the main type of document is research article,and the most widely used publication language is English.The most productive country and institution are China and the Chinese Academy of Sciences,while the high productivity and highly cited country and institution are Sweden and Lund University.Analytical Chimica Acta and Journal of Chromatography Aare the top 2most productive journals,and chemistry analytical is the primary subject category.The obtained information can be used to evaluate the research progress and development trend in MIT,which provides valuable references for the researchers.