Numerical simulations were carried out for the unsteady flow behavior of the hypersonic type IV shock-shock interactions acting on a blunt leading edge that represented the cowl of a tw o-dim ensional hypersonic inlet.T he com plex wave structures and surface heat flux/pressure created by the unsteady type IV shock-shock interactions w ere effectively captured by solving the lam inar com pressible N avier-Stokes equations via a tw o-dim ensional axisym m etric V ectorized A daptive Solver(V A S2D).T he V A S2D solver is based on an explicit finite volum e m ethod w ith an adaptive m esh technique and it has second order accuracy in both tim e and space.T he present sim ulations focus on the effects of the location and strength of the im pinging shock to g eth erw ith the geometry of the blunt bodyon the unsteady characteristics of interactions.T he results show that the flow can be either steady or unsteady depending on both the variations of the im pinging shock conditions and the blunt body geom etries.The unsteady characteristics of flowfield structure and surface p ressure/h eat flux are also sensitive tothe im pinging shock conditions.Sm all changes in the location or strength of the im pinging shockcan result in large changes in the unsteady behaviors of the flow and the surface pressure/heat flu x.T he Strouhal num ber was used to characterize the unsteady oscillation behavior U nder the conditions in the current w o rk,w ith the increases of the im pinging shock strength and the bluntness of the leading edge,the Strouhal num ber that is m ainly dependent on the standoff distance of the bow shock decreases,whereas the surface pressure/heat flux increase.Furthermore,properly choosing the geometry of the blunt body may greatly reduce the probability of the happening of the type IV shock-shock interactions,suppress the shock oscillation in the flow,and effectively reduce the peak value of the fluctuating surface heat flux and pressure loads distance of the bow shock decreases,whereas the surface pressure/heat