根据10个毛豆品种10个农艺性状与产量的调查数据,通过逐步回归分析,建立回归方程Y=-1122.087+52.177X2+62.655X3-73.796X4+21.502X8 (X2为主茎节数、X3为分枝数、X4为秕荚数、X8为生长期).回归结果表明:4个主要农艺性状对产量的影响程度表现为:生长期(0.716)>秕荚数(-0.446)>主茎节数(0.368)>分枝数(0.337).因此,海南毛豆的引种与育种时,应优先考虑生长期长、主茎节数和分枝数多、紧凑且丰满的株型,还应控制秕荚数量.
10 agronomic characters from 10 vegetable soybean varieties of Hainan were investigated. The stepwise regression analysis was applied to study the relationship between agronomic traits and the yield, and the regression equation was as follows: Y=-1122.087+52.177X2+62.655X3-73.796X4+21.502X8. The results showed that four major agronomic characters related to yield were sequenced: X8=0.716 (growth period), X4=-0.446 (blighted pod number), X2= 0.368 (node numbers of main stem) and X3=0.337 (branch number). Therefore, we should prioritize the growth period, node numbers of main stem and branch number, in addition to control the number of blighted pod for introducing and breeding of vegetable soybean in Hainan.